Wednesday, December 30, 2009

7 months old!

Our little miss is now 7 months old!!! It's unbelievable how fast it all goes!!

We don’t have another dr. visit until she’s 9 months old so I don’t have a weight update (even though I planned on weighing her myself today…and then completely forgot before I put her to bed!)  At 7 months she’s wearing mostly 9 month clothes (and a few 6 month pieces that still fit ok) and size 3 diapers.   She loves to spend time sitting up and playing with her toys…either on the floor or in her pack ‘n play.   She’s also been much happier now that she’s figured out how to sit up when she’s lying down.  She’s still scooting around backwards, and has also figured out that if she lies down, then sits up,   then lies down, then sits up again (repeat, repeat repeat) that she can cover more distance :)  She’s thisclose to figuring out how to crawl so I’m assuming she’ll be starting that any day now.

Sophie is a fairly good sleeper - she still sleeps through the night more often than not (although the past 3 nights have involved wake-ups between 2 and 4am!) but no matter what I try she’s still a serial cat-napper!!  She loves sleeping on her belly and insists on doing so no matter how many times I flip her to her back.  She makes a little tripod with her hands and rests her face on them (so she’s facing the mattress rather than turning her head to either side).  I’d try to get a picture but that could wake her up and none of us want that! 

Here’s a look at Sophie from months 1 to 7 :)

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Nikki said...

What a cutie Denise! I can't wait until Lucy can sit up.

~A said...

I love those onesies! Where did you find them? What a fun idea!

Grandma Cathy said...

Such a cute picture for our little
7th month old---she's just getting
cuter every day. Thanks for keeping us all updated. We are looking forward to seeing her walk
one of these days.

See you soon,

Grandma Cathy